Products information

Air bag filter
Air bag filter

1276 Lượt xem

Air bag filter was developed to withstand demanding applications in commercial and industrial applications.
Air filter panel
Air filter panel

820 Lượt xem

Pleated Filters, Glass Panel Filters, Synthetic Panel Filters provide Improved Health, Reduced Cost and Energy Efficiency
Paint Booth Paper Filter
Paint Booth Paper Filter

890 Lượt xem

As a environmental friendly product, filtrating paint mist, it is applied to dry spray booth, improving work condition for painting.
RO membrane
RO membrane

1062 Lượt xem

Reverse Osmosis (RO) is the process to have clean and pure water through semipermeable membrane or a permeable .
Liquid filter bag
Liquid filter bag

736 Lượt xem

Liquid filter bags will fit all industry-standard bag housings.

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